
[Video] Calm Your Fire with Water: Waterfall Meditation

As we see the country erupt in fire and anger, it’s a good time to remind ourselves that our emotions do not own us; rather, we own them. I’d like to share this video clip of a waterfall in ‎New Zealand that I took to help you douse any fire running rampant in your head, taking it over‬. I hope this cool and pure water from one of the most pristine backdrops on Earth washes away your worries, stress, and nervous anxiety.

Sit in a meditative posture and imagine yourself in front of this waterfall. Let your mind relax and open, and receive the lively and powerful energy of the waterfall into your whole body. Receive the energy of creation through the refreshing sound. Keep receiving it until you feel transformed and refreshed. You may feel like all of your cells are vibrating, and you may be deeply moved.

The sound of water, the sound of the wind, the sound of birds . . . you can commune with nature while immersing yourself in these sounds. At that moment, you can find the true peace and balance that you’ve lost. Whenever you feel stressed and overwhelmed, go into nature and reconnect with yourself, because you are nature too. You can meet with it and receive infinite life force that will help you. And you may gain a sense of oneness, complete unity, a sense that you, the cosmos, all life, are one.

Realizing the interconnectedness and limitlessness of life, there isn’t anything we can’t do. Let us heal ourselves first, and then actively work to heal the world around us.

Whenever you feel stressed and overwhelmed, go into nature and reconnect with yourself, because you are nature too. Share on X
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