
How to Have True Peace of Mind

black woman meditating in front of a lake and cityscape

We train ourselves to gain peace of mind. Some people mistakenly believe that this peace of mind is a state from which all worries have vanished. However, troubles never cease as long as you’re living life as a human being. True peace of mind comes from an attitude of accepting those troubles, not a state from which all worries have disappeared.

Living people worry anyway, and it’s proof that they’re alive. Once we’ve chosen enlightenment, our wandering ends and peace comes. At the same time, we realize that the concerns we’ve had so far have been trivial. That’s when our big worries begin. Those worries are for everyone, not just for ourselves as individuals.

Do you want your worries to go away, and do you want to find peace? Don’t try to rest. Don’t try to be comfortable. True tranquility is found in living and doing your best for the goal you’ve chosen. There’s no more peaceful path. The only way to end all kinds of suffering is to stake everything on heading toward a great goal.

Proper worrying is contemplation and practice. Your little worries hide themselves when you have greater concerns. So don’t hope to be free of troubles. Don’t worry about having worries. Such concerns are a springboard allowing us to grow.

Life without worries and questions is a dead life.

Life without worries and questions is a dead life. Share on X

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